Kids Martial Arts

Bully Proof Kids !

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What Do I Believe ?

'Bullyproof' your child !!

I believe that everyone has the right to defend themselves. These skills are not and cannot be achieved by standing in long white lines in a leisure centre or community hall punching and kicking fresh air in unrealistic stances, learning a kata in exchange for a belt or mixing age groups of 5 to 55.

My mission is simple !... To teach my students how to defend themselves against all eventualities should the unthinkable happen and make my kids... "BULLYPROOF"

Little Dragons

Jedi Training

Kids Karate, Kids Self Defence, Anti Bullying
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Our kids martial arts classes are divided into three age groups, specially designed for children between the ages of 4 & 15.
In addition to fun, high-energy classes we teach techniques from a mixture of martial arts such as Jiu-jitsu Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, plus many others. The classes are split into three groups:

Little Dragons
4 - 7. Here the kids learn primarily through high energy games. They learn defensive skills during these games that develop muscle memory so introducing them Jiu-Jitsu without even knowing it.

Little Ninjas
7-10 (Little Ninjas) consisting of high energy fun with a martial arts feel, concentrating on co-ordinaton, balance, discipline, respect, basic punching and kicking drills, breakfalls (falling safely) and numerous other activities. Here the Little Ninjas learn the fundamentals that will prepare them for advancement to the next class - Junior Jujitsu.

Junior Jiu-Jitsu
10-15. Here we start to explore the principles of self defence in much more detail. They advance towards complex combinations of punches, kicks, throws, grappling skills, self-defence scenarios etc.

Junior Ju-Jjitsu

Mini Scorpions

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